Commune of Kąty Wrocławskie belongs to one of the most attractive regions of Dolny Śląsk. It develops intensively in economy, is rich in historical monuments and beauty of nature. Thanks to this, region is highly regarded by both investors and tourists.
Location of commune along the boarder of Wrocław, provides an extremely attractive location for all kinds of economical initiative. Moreover its character is determined by highway A4, which is running the entire legth of commune, and a section of Wrocław`s bypass. In commune of Kąty Wrocławskie you will find areas for industrial, recreational, residential and commercial investment.
The whole area of commune is covered by the zoning plan but the new study enables changes in the existing plan. Many companies with foreign and domestic capital have invested in this area. That is why investors have contributed largely to change the character of commune. Commune Kąty Wrocławskie until recently used to be a typical agricultural commune, nowadays it is industrial and agriculural commune.
Its success may provide many awards and honors, such as first place in the ranking of local governments organized by newspaper Rzeczpospolita in 2008, Government Business friendly in 2009, Dolnośląski Key of Success and main prize in Silesia Griffin 2010. Local authorities have consistently implement multi-annual investment plan, which results in the interest of investors and their satisfaction is the best advertisement for the new entrepreneurs.
In commune of Kąty Wrocławskie is used the abundance of local tradition, the standard of living are gradually raised, so that we can all find appropriate and developmental conditions of living and working. The successful development of the commune constituted by local community is largely distinguished from other communes by establishment, friendliness and hospitality. Commune of Katy Wroclaw is characterized by dynamic growth of population, which is a consequence of the perception its as an attractive place to live. Comes new members of community, nowdays it has 20 080 inhabitants.
Adults are 15 659, people under 18 years of age is 4421.
Polish accession to the European Community has opened new opportunities for local development. Commune authorities are trying to make our cooperation with EU countries in addition to the economic face also a social dimension. Precisely in order to know each other, exchange experiences and to build friendly relations Kąty Wrocławskie signed partnership agreements with the French community Mignaloux - Beauvoir and German Biblis.
Simultaneously the community does not forget about the many financial resources from the Community, which acquisition allows to carry out numerous projects. Community partnerships go beyond the European Union, the local government cooperates with the Ukrainian region Svitlovodsk. Effective fundraising for city and municipal investments, as well as any activities conducive to the dynamic socio-economic development is one of the priorities that guide the local government.
In their investment plans in the commune authorities carry on the real growth of economic potential operating businesses and attracting investment, mainly external. Preferred are projects which create new jobs. The council does not stop on realized investments such as buildingspectacle and sports hall in Kąty Wrocławskie, building Public Kindergarden, bulding and repairing rural community centers, numerous investments in water and sewerage infrastructure and roads, public housing development, announcing further expansion of the recreation - sports and technology base.
The Commune of Kąty Wrocławskie has many tourist attractions. In the area of the commune, there are numerous monuments of architecture such as old Gothic churches and palaces, as well as the natural curiosities of rural parks and natural forests of the Valley of Bystrzyca. Commune of Kąty Wrocławsloe has predisposition to develop tourism, posing a potential recreation center. A great asset of the commune is focusing on recreation and tourism values of the western part, along the "Landscape Park Valley of Bystrzyca." The municipality makes an excellent base for residents of Wroclaw seeking holiday recreation . We have the appropriate conditions for fishing, walking, cycling and canoeing as well.
In the commune there are numerous pro-social programs. A lot of attenition is paid to the siabled and in the actions of local government. Especially, it is reflected in the physical therapy assistance program for residents of the commune. Every year the amount of money spent on rehabilitation increases, so more people can participate in the sessions. We realize local government social programs (Program for Prevention and Solving Alcohol Problems and Drug Prevention Program). Consistently is implemented a local government education policy. In addition to the statutory education duties of local goverment are obtained EU funds to conduct additional nursery. The commune is also realized digital exclusion Prevention Program. Till July 2010. residents and visitors can enjoy free Internet access on the Market in Kąty Wrocławskie. The commune shall finance the operation of rural community centers so called smithy attended by children and adolescents. For children from centers are organized holiday camps and tours. In 2011 was bult 30 public housing, which partly implement the housing policy of commune.
Kąty Wrocławskie is modern, safe and friendly for living or business commune. We strive to realize the needs of residents while maintaining the principles of sustainable development, rational management and social participation.