Region Svietlovodsk is located upon Dnieper in central Ukraine. The territory of about 1.2 thousand km2 inhabited by about 50 thousand inhabitants. Apart from Ukrainians live here also the Russians and Belarusians, whose main sources of income nowadays are farming and ceramic industry.
Svietlovodsk is still largely an agricultural region, with a noticeable economical progress In the Soviet Union Svietlovodsk was one of the biggest centers of defense industry, today this region is known mainly thanks to a huge hydropower plant and created the late 50`s, the largest dam in the Ukraine. Svietlovodsk thanks to very good connections, connects east and west of Ukraine and the north and south. Attractiveness of the location increased by the proximity of city Kremenchug, the largest in this part of Ukraine's cultural and scientific center - .Beautiful landscapes of Dneper in encourage to spend an active holiday in nature.
On 3rd September 2007, we entered into a solemn agreement of cooperation with the Ukrainian region Svietlovodsk. Its purpose is to interact and exchange ideas mainly in the field of education, culture and economy and to support Ukrainian neighbor in their efforts of integration with European structures.
After the Germans and French came to Ukraine. For many years we have stressed our interest in the partnership relations with Eastern Europe. Conscious for membership in the European Community is not only intra-EU integration, but also far-sighted policy pro eastern and solidarity with this part of Europe, which seeks to . "Poland is a Ukrainian model of rapid and successful development. We would, therefore, these positive patterns of you take over and implement it in our country "- said the representative of our new partner region - Mikhail Kasjanov at the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement, which took place in City Hall on 3rd September. In the presence of invited guests including: Vice Govenor of Wrocław Ireneusz Słoma, Deputy Stanisław Huskowski, Priest Ryszard Reputała the agreement between the Commune of Kąty Wrocławskie represented by Mayor Antoni Kopeć and Ukrainian region Svietlovodsk managed by Mikhail Kasjanova was signed.
The ceremony was also honored by the presence of President of the Association of Entrepreneurs from Kąty Wrocławskie Mr. Sławomir Hryniewicz, President od ARAJ company Mr. Jacek Szostkowski and members of the City Council in Katy Wroclawskie.
"One of priorities of this partnership is the economic cooperation which can bring mutual benefit such as providing Polish companies for investment opportunities in Ukraine, which in turn will create more jobs and lower unemployment in our eastern neighbor," - said Mayor Antoni Kopeć. Another field of cooperation is aimed on mutual understanding between the two countries, which are going to be: exchanges of students, managers and teachers as well as common citizens of our communities projects.
The beginning of our contacts took place last year, thanks to the initiative of Wrocław Marshal's Office. In autumn 2006, in the context of held in Wroclaw Lower Silesias-Ukraine Local Government meetings the Marshal Office delegated to the various commune in Lower Silesia representatives from different regions of Ukraine in order to familiarize themselves with the work of local authorities and assess the possibility of establishing cooperation with them. Then for the first time Mayor Antoni Kopeć met with Chairman of the region Svietlovodsk - Mikhail Kasjanovem. The second initiative which was taken together, was the arrival of Mr. Kasjanova with a group of Ukrainian youth during the local elections in Poland in autumn last year.
Today, we are officially finalizing a commone effort by signing a document certifying this cooperation, prosperity and success will depend on our motivation, commitment and desire.
We somehow feel responsible for the Ukrainian partner, who follows the development of Polish democracy and is going to travers a long way to match European standards next years.
A great advantage and convenience on path of mutual understanding will surely be very small language barrier and Slavic brotherhood and brotherly ties between the two nations.